Saturday, January 16, 2010


I have discovered that it is quite possible that I am either highly intuitive, or just extremely paranoid. This because my trust has been shot, trampled, beaten to hell on sooo many levels. I need to rid myself of conspiracy theories, and quit trying to be a private detective (speaking of which if anyone is interested I am rrrrealy good at it). I need to understand that if something contains drama other than a movie, or a play, I should rid myself of it immediately. I am intelligent, thoughtful, devoted, and well I am damn worth it. I deserve better. I am better. Ha.. enough of the pep talk. It is Saturday, I'm still searching for my niche in life. I'm hoping someone, somewhere will read this.. and share this journey with me. I promise if nothing else, you will laugh at least once... and I'm sure there will be at least one good life lesson in this.

By the way.. I went to Venti's again for lunch last week. Still NO man in the booth. I'm hoping since I have submitted that story.. someone will know him, and he will be extremely single and a beautiful human being. I had the Hawaiian Bowl... it was really good. I discovered though that I'm not a huge fan of Ginger. I liked the addition of the cheese in this bowl, however I still think the Chicken Thai Peanut Bowl.. is better.

Quote of the day within my acquaintance :

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."
~Henry Ford (1863-1947)

1 comment:

  1. Venti's sounds like a nice place to eat. Sweet potato fries sound interesting, but I don't like french fries very much so who knows?

    So you're prowling for the mystery man eh? Better keep those claws sharp for when you're ready pounce!
