Saturday, January 16, 2010


I have discovered that it is quite possible that I am either highly intuitive, or just extremely paranoid. This because my trust has been shot, trampled, beaten to hell on sooo many levels. I need to rid myself of conspiracy theories, and quit trying to be a private detective (speaking of which if anyone is interested I am rrrrealy good at it). I need to understand that if something contains drama other than a movie, or a play, I should rid myself of it immediately. I am intelligent, thoughtful, devoted, and well I am damn worth it. I deserve better. I am better. Ha.. enough of the pep talk. It is Saturday, I'm still searching for my niche in life. I'm hoping someone, somewhere will read this.. and share this journey with me. I promise if nothing else, you will laugh at least once... and I'm sure there will be at least one good life lesson in this.

By the way.. I went to Venti's again for lunch last week. Still NO man in the booth. I'm hoping since I have submitted that story.. someone will know him, and he will be extremely single and a beautiful human being. I had the Hawaiian Bowl... it was really good. I discovered though that I'm not a huge fan of Ginger. I liked the addition of the cheese in this bowl, however I still think the Chicken Thai Peanut Bowl.. is better.

Quote of the day within my acquaintance :

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."
~Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Venti I will be if I continue down this road...

Let me start off by saying I just moved here in December, and Venti's has become one of my favorite places. It was the sweet potato fries that addicted me one night after work, was there with friends for drinks. It was her birthday. That sweet chili sauce.. to die for. I sampled a few... of the drinks :)

Decisions, decisions.. where to go for lunch with my manager. I raved about the sweet potato fries, and off we went. In line, thought we would beat the rush at 11:30-- Apparently I'm not the only one that loves Venti's, we didn't beat the rush. Something catches my eye, aside from the food. In the booth by the counter, a man. Yes.. a man, he was eating the food though. Strikingly handsome, I couldn't stop glancing at him. Sweet Potato fries have landed--my manager she loves them too, but not like I love them. She too is now addicted, amazing sweet chili sauce. Chicken Pita, excellent... but not as good as her Chicken Thai Peanut Bowl... phenomonal.

Couple more glasses of water I need... thirsty...he's sitting in the booth by the water. Opened zip up sweatshirt (hooded I think) t-shirt underneath.. nice shoes.. hiking perhaps… Merrell’s maybe? Jeans are purposely worn and faded, purchased that way. A little natural curl to his hair, medium brown. Longer in the back.. NO not a mullet. Mid to late 30’s. .At one point he put glasses on, black rimmed on the top --still breathtaking.. and now he has added a little intellectual flare. Everyone seems to know him, random customers are walking up to his table to talk to him. Oh.. is that an accent I detect? Or maybe that is just what I want to hear, I like to hear that. Is he single? Is he straight? Contemplated taking a picture with my phone, how awkward would that be, but he does remind me of a friend of mine. I could play that route. "Excuse me, have we met before?" That's about as tactful as "where've you been all my life?" or "Do you wash your pants in windex?" I don't, I don't say a word. Mainly because it's not my place, not the right time. We leave.

My start to 2010 has been, well its left a bit to be desired. Its for lack of better terms.. gut wrenchingly depressing. So I get this email, because I became a fan of Venti's.. favorite Venti's story. Maybe this is a sign? I love Venti's. I also have recently watched Julie and Julia, why not blog about this? Where do I blog? Not on my facebook. Venti's needs a story. Did I mention I have decided to start coming back randomly to see if I run into the man in the booth? I did today. I had the soup of the day, herbed pork with cabbage... and this time I got the Chicken Thai Peanut Bowl. No man in the booth. I love the atmosphere here...

Maybe the man in the booth was a sign, of what I’m not quite sure. The power of intention? Speaking of which, I am going to start reading Rhonda Byrne.

Doesn’t matter, I love Venti’s.